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Management and organisation

The foundation Fryske Akademy (the Frisian Academy) was established in Leeuwarden on 10 September 1938. According to its statutes, the Fryske Akademy's goal is "to maintain a working community dedicated to practicing science connected to Friesland, the Frisian people and their culture in all its manifestations, and such in the broadest sense".

The Fryske Akademy is an independent foundation based in Leeuwarden. The foundation is managed by a Research Director, who bears ultimate responsibility. A Supervisory Board with both managerial and scientific members, supervises the policy of the director. Since 1990, the Fryske Akademy has been affiliated with the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW).

In accordance with the Covenant on the Frisian Language and Culture (BFTK), the institute is funded by the State (OC&W) and the province of Fryslân. The subsidy of the project activities of Mercator, financed by the European Commission until 2006, has been taken over by the Province of Fryslân. The projects and project staff recruited by Mercator are in employed by the Fryske Akademy, but linked to the specific Mercator project grants.

These documents can be downloaded as PDF documents:

Managing Director

The daily management of the Fryske Akademy is in the hands of the Managing Director. The Managing Director is ultimately responsible for all activities and decisions related to the institution. The Managing Director is accountable to the Supervisory Board in accordance with the statutes and rules of procedure.

  • Dr Nelleke IJssennagger-van der Pluijm FSA is Managing Director of the Fryske Akademy since March 2021.
    You can contact Dr Nelleke IJssennagger-van der Pluijm via the executive secretariat.

Management Team

The Managing Director is advised by a Management Team (MT). Since 1 January 2021, the representation consists of:

  • Joop Petter, Head of Finances
  • Marit Bijlsma, Head of Planning and Acquisition

Supervisory Board

On the basis of its statutes, the Fryske Akademy has a Supervisory Board. The Board supervises the policy and management conducted by the director-manager. The Supervisory Board consists of:

  • Drs Seerp Y. Leistra (Chair)
  • Wim Kleinhuis
  • Prof dr Anthonya Visser
  • Prof dr Jan Don
  • Drs Rixt N. Heegsma

Works Council

The Fryske Akademy has a Works Council (UR) on which five Akademy employees have a seat. The powers of the UR, which include the right to advise, the right of consent and the right of initiative, are regulated by the Works Councils Act (Wet op de Ondernemingsraden, WOR). According to the WOR, the Works Council works in the interest of the proper functioning of the company. 

Since 1 November 2024, the members of the UR are:

  • Vacancy (Chair)
  • Nika Stefan (Secretary/Co-chair)
  • Han Nijdam
  • Martijn Kingma
  • Ydwine Scarse

The Works Council of the Fryske Akademy can be contacted via e-mail.