The new academic year begins for the Fryske Akademy with the celebration of the dies natalis, the day of the institute's foundation. Every year - on the Friday of, before or after the 10th of September - the Fryske Akademy invites members, donors and relations to look back on the past year with each other, but above all to look forward together to beautiful collaborations, projects and scientific challenges. On the Akademydei, the new members of the Fryske Akademy are traditionally appointed.
With the support of the Queen's Commissioner Harinxma thoe Slooten, the official opening meeting of the Fryske Akademy took place on 10 September 1938. The first board was formed by P. Sipma (chairman), J.H. Brouwer (secretary), Prof J.F. Koksma (treasurer), Prof G. Gosses, Prof J.M.N. Kapteyn, Prof G.S. Overdiep and Dr G.A. Wumkes. Honorary chairman was mr P.A.V. Baron van Harinxma thoe Slooten, honorary members were N. Ottema, Prof Sir William Craigie (University of Oxford) and Prof Theodor Siebs (University of Breslau).
The Fryske Akademy found accommodation in the Coulon House in Leeuwarden, which had been built in 1713. An ‘exceptionally cool little monument’, according to notary Nanne Ottema. To emphasise its scientific character, at the suggestion of Father Titus Brandsma, it was decided to use the seal of the Franeker Library as the logo. You can read more in the overview '85 years Fryske Akademy.'
Akademydei 2025
Thee Akademydei 2025 will take place on Friday 12 September 2025.
Akademydei 2024
Tusken de iuwenâlde beammen en gebouwen, yn de histoaryske binnentún fan it Coulonhûs yn Ljouwert, hat de Fryske Akademy op freed 13 septimber 2024 it 85ste jubileumjier feestlik ôfsletten. Mei gasten as Kommissaris fan de Kening Arno Brok, boargemaster fan Ljouwert Sybrand Buma en dichter fan Fryslân Arjen Hut, mei de beneaming fan de leden Eppie Dam en Ammerins Moss-de Boer, mei de útrikking fan de skripsjepriis oan Sannah Debreczeni (en in earfolle fermelding foar Herman van Vliet), mei in lêzing fan Henk Wolf, en mei muzyk fan Hot & Toasty, kinne we weromsjen op in goed slagge dei.
De foto's binne makke troch Marieke Balk.