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Minority Languages, Major Opportunities

Research theme: Language and multilingualism
Duration: 2018-2023
Coordination Fryske Akademy/Mercator: Prof Dr Hans Van de Velde, Dr Jelske Dijkstra
Partners: University of Warsaw (PL), Adam Mickiewicz University (PL), Leiden University (NL), Yale University (USA), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA), Smithsonian Institution (USA), Zacatecas Institute for Teaching and Research in Ethnology (MEX), The University of Texas at Austin (USA), The Americas Research Network Arenet (MEX), Latgolys Studentu centrs (LV), Gruppo di Azione Locale per lo Sviluppo Rurale dell’Area Grecanica (IT), University of Groningen (NL)
Financiering: Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE/ HORIZON 2020
More information: Project website

Project description

Five academic and two non-governmental organisations in four European countries participate in CoLing, collaborating with six institutions in the USA and Mexico. CoLing promotes and develops sustainable measures for language revitalisation and maintenance. The project gives researchers and non-academic stakeholders opportunities to exchange knowledge and join forces. CoLing promotes and practices:


  • collaboration of academic and non-academic stakeholders and knowledge transfer in both directions,
  • collaboration of researchers and organizations in Europe, the USA and Mexico,
  • participatory research in endangered languages and cultures,
  • language documentation with revitalization in mind,
  • innovative methods and materials in learning and teaching lesser used languages,
  • an enduring presence of linguistic and cultural diversity in public space.

Project activities are organised into four main thematic groups (workpackages): 1) Documentation and archiving of linguistic and cultural diversity, 2) Trans-Atlantic perspectives and historical ties between the Americas and Europe; 3) Developing innovative teaching methodologies; and 4) Multidisciplinary research in language and culture.