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Visible Vowels

Tool for the visualisation of Vowel Variation

Area of expertise: Language and multilingualism
Research theme: Language variation and change
Duration: 2018-…
Coordination Fryske Akademy: Prof dr Hans Van de Velde, Dr ir Wilbert Heeringa
Funding: Fryske Akademy
More information: Project website

Project description

Visible Vowels is a web app for the analysis of acoustic vowel measurements: f0, formants and duration. The app is an useful instrument for research in phonetics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, forensic linguistics, and speech-language pathology.

  • Visible Vowles (applikaasje)
  • Heeringa, W. & Van de Velde, H. (2018). “Visible Vowels: a Tool for the Visualization of Vowel Variation.” In Proceedings CLARIN Annual Conference 2018, 8 - 10 October, Pisa, Italy. CLARIN ERIC.