Schoolmasters in Friesland (1600-1950)
This page makes accessible a large amount of data collected by Hartman Sannes (1890-1956) on the heads of schools in Friesland between about 1600 and 1950.
Sannes‘ notes are arranged by grietij (municipality) and include information on the schoolmasters’ salaries, the names of their wives and children, the names of previous and any subsequent places where they worked, etc. Some of the material has previously appeared in regional newspapers, and researcher Peter van der Meer has supplemented it with corrections and comments by Sannes himself. Another part has not been published before.
There is no name index on the files; however, the material is arranged in such a way that most users can find their way around. Probably it is known in which town someone has been a schoolmaster and the person in question can thus easily be found. The files have been saved for each municipality in its own PDF file; within this, a separate bookmark has been created for each village.
Reactions and comments can be e-mailed to Peter van der Meer (e-mail).

Previously published material with (later) additions by Sannes:
- Barradiel
- It Bilt
- Dantumadiel (ynkl. Dokkumer Wâlden)
- Doanjewerstal
- Einjewier
- Frjentsjer
- Frjentsjerteradiel
- Haskerlân
- Idaarderadiel
- Ljouwerteradiel
- Menameradiel
- Sleat
- Smellingerlân
- Tytsjerksteradiel
- Utingeradiel
- Wûnseradiel
Unpublished material: