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Agricultural Working Group

The Lânboukundich Wurkferbân (Agricultural Working Group) organises regular meetings, usually at the Fries Landbouwmuseum in Leeuwarden (Goutum), and excursions on agronomic issues of the past and present. The aim of these activities is to share (scientific) knowledge with a wide audience.

The second half of the 20th century saw many changes in agriculture. The number of people earning a living in agriculture has declined. Nevertheless, today agriculture still occupies an important position in terms of employment in Fryslân. Agriculture is also increasingly involved in issues such as spatial planning, environment, nature, landscape and tourism. Issues such as biotechnology and genetic modification touch on ethics. All these topics are covered in the meetings of the Lânboukundich Wurkferbân.


Founding year



Board and contact

Chair: Truus Steenbruggen (e-mail)
Secretary: Klaas Zandberg
Board members: Reinder Schaap, Jacob Heida, Frans Ettema, Goffe Jensma, Nynke Dijkstra




In the winter season 2024-2025, the Wurkferbân is organising a series of lectures.

Thursday 17 October, Fries Landbouwmuseum, 7pm
'Voedseltransitie als sleutel voor innovatie'. 
Peter de Jong (lector Duurzame zuivel- en voedselverwerking, Van Hall Larenstein)
Tjeerd Jongsma (directeur Fascinating)
Hidde Boersma (wetenschapsjournalist, essayist, en documentairemaker)

Thursday 21 November, Fries Landbouwmuseum, 7pm
‘Management-innovaties voor een toekomstbestendige landbouw’
Frank Verhoeven (oprichter en directeur Boerenverstand Consultancy)
Rooy Meyer (voorzitter NAJK)

Thursday 23 January, Fries Landbouwmuseum, 7pm
Lecture, more information to follow

Saturday 29 March, Fries Landbouwmuseum, 1pm
Lecture, more information to follow

April (date to follow)