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Archaeological Working Group

The Argeologysk Wurkferbân (Archaeological Working Group) aims to bring together amateur archaeologists in Fryslân. With numerous activities, we try to support archaeological research in the province.

By organising lectures, courses, practical activities and excursions, we try to increase members' archaeological knowledge. This can help make this hobby more meaningful. Another appealing activity is that members can participate in excavations organised by competent bodies.


Founding year



Board and contact

Chair: Gelkje Schotanus 
Secretary: Koos Tiemersma (e-mail)

What do we do?

  • Lectures: by professionals and members, on various subjects and periods: from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages;
  • Excursions: to museums and archaeological monuments, both in and outside Friesland;
  • Excavations: assisting with both large scientific projects and smaller emergency excavations;
  • Courses: mainly focused on practice; recognizing shards and flint tools, conducting field surveys, measuring, inventorying, etc.;
  • Finds processing: identifying, describing, gluing and preserving finds.

With all these activities we try to support archaeological research in Friesland. Anyone who is interested in antiquities and early history and wants to do more with this hobby, can become a member of the Archeologysk Wurkferbân. The only condition is that you also become a donor to the Fryske Akademy at the same time. 

You can register by sending an email to secretary Koos Tiemersma.

'Diggelgoud. 25 jier Argeologysk Wurkferbân' (2008)

In the volume Diggelgoud (2008), published on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Archeologysk Wurkferbân of the Fryske Akademy, 38 authors provide an overview of the state of affairs in Frisian archaeology, the most important finds and discoveries of the past decades, the collaboration of scientists and amateurs, and the results of that collaboration in numerous field projects, based on concrete finds - from prehistoric artefacts via Roman coins, weights and oven remains to medieval jewellery and abandoned churchyards.

The book can be ordered via the Afûk web shop for only € 2.50.


Winter programme 2024-2025

  • Tuesday 04 February 2025, 7:45pm, Tresoar, Leeuwarden (NL) (note: diccerent location)
    Derde lezing: Inlieding van Dion Stoop over vuursteen: ‘Vuursteenvindplaatsen en wat we ervan kunnen leren.’ Fierwei de measte bekende fynplakken út de stientiid binne troch amateur-archeologen ûntdutsen oan it oerflak. Se binne hast ús iennichste direkte link mei de minsken dy't hjir tûzenen jierren lyn jagen en sammelen. Dochs wurde se faak sjoen as fynplakken mei in lege ynhâldlike wearde. Wat kinne dizze fynplakken ús wol en net leare oer it libben yn de stientiid?
    En heeft u nog mooie vindsten? Neem ze mee!
    - Invitation with Programme (pdf)
  • Thursday 17-04-2025
    4th Lecture


Earlier this season

  • Tuesday 26-11-2024, Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden (NL)
    Lectures: Henk Sloots (Muntfynsten út Fryske tsjerken, wat drage se by oan ús ynsjoch yn deistige (lytsjild)gebrûk, bouskiednis en numismatyk?) and Sible de Roos (Wat komme jo tsjin yn âlde Fryske tsjerken?), mar ek determinaasje fan meibrochte fynsten.
    - Invitation and programme (pdf)
    - Report 26-11-2024 (pdf)
  • Thursday 03-10-2024, Fryske Akademy, 7:45 pm
    First lecture: ‘Findings of Robbert Velt’.
    Robbert Velt goes into the Frisian field a lot with the metal detector. What he has found over the years, he will tell us about. In this, the Middle Ages is his most important period. 
    - Invitation and programme (pdf)
    - Report 03-10-2024 (pdf)
  • Saturday 7 September 2024
    Excursion to Hegebeintum.