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Foundation Frysk Akademyfûns


The foundation Frysk Akademyfûns (Frisian Academy Fund) was founded on 19 July 1968 to bring together funds with the aim to stimulate Frisian scientific work in the broadest sense. Among the aims is also to promote a reasonable accommodation in terms of buildings and property of the Fryske Akademy. As a legal entity, the Frysk Akademyfûns has a separate status from the Fryske Akademy foundation and its financial capital is formed by i.a. donations, gifts and legacies. Since September 2021, the composition of the board is as follows:

  • Drs. H. ten Hoeve, chair
  • J.W. Petter, secretary/treasurer
  • Mr. H. Ph. Breuker
  • Mw. F. de Jong-Krap
  • Mw. Mr. M. Geertsema

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