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Brand Professor by special appointment

On 1 February, Hanno Brand will become Professor by special appointment at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen (UG) in Fryslân in de handelsnetwerken van pre-industrieel Europa (1000-1800) [Fryslân in the trade networks of pre-industrial Europe (1000-1800)], on behalf of the Fryske Akademy. Brand will hold the position for one day a week for a period of five years at the Department of History (Chair of Medieval History).

He will use the position to teach and research the field of the history of Frisian trade networks in the period 1000-1800. He will expand his expertise in this field in line with the profile and mission of the Fryske Akademy. This means that Brand will not only conduct research but also contribute to making Frisian written heritage accessible, including digitally, paying particular attention to the focus points of the E-Humanities as well as to the interface between academia and societal impact. In addition, Brand will be involved in relevant developments in the field of the Arts at Campus Fryslân, which is set to become the eleventh Faculty of the University of Groningen.

Several Frisian grant-awarding bodies, including the Kingma Foundation, will make funds available every year to co-finance this chair. The Kingma Foundation promotes research into the history of the shipping industry, shipping companies and commerce in Friesland.


About Brand
Hanno Brand (1959) studied the history of the Middle Ages at the universities of Leiden and Ghent. After working as a lecturer and researcher at both universities, and as a postdoc and project leader at the German Historical Institute Paris, he joined the UG in 2001. He worked as a lecturer and postdoc researcher at the department of Medieval History and headed the Hanze Study Centre. Brand’s research at the time was on the relationships between the Netherlands and the Hanze in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. 

In 2009 he joined the Fryske Akademy as head of the History department. His research since then has concentrated on the Hanze, the Frisian Stadholders and Frisian maritime history in the early modern period. After a brief interim period, in December 2013 he was appointed Director-Manager of the Fryske Akademy.

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