Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences
Kennisgebiet: Taal en meartaligens
Undersykstema: De meartalige mienskip
Rintiid: 2020 – 2023
Koördinaasje Fryske Akademy/Mercator: Jelske Dijkstra
Partners: Universität Graz (AT), Newcastle University (Upon Tyne) (UK), Alma Mater Studorium of the Universita di Bologna (IT), Neosmart GmbH (AT/DE).
Finansiering: Erasmus+ Programme - KA2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices / KA201 Strategic Partnerships for school education
Mear ynformaasje: Projektwebsite
In this project, examples of good practice of teaching GCE and plurilingual approaches were collected, drawing on different subjects and languages. Its aim was to provide online teacher development resources to support secondary teachers of all subjects in learning ways to integrate GCE goals including plurlingualism into their daily practice in sustainable ways which will be motivating for them as educators and invaluable for their learners. Our project created digital resources to help teachers to understand, gain knowledge about, practice, and integrate global citizenship goals through a plurilingual approach into their teaching practices.
To meet these aims, three main forms of output were developed. Firstly, examples of good practice in respect to GCE and plurilingual pedagogies were gathered. Based on these, a framework for teachers to self-assess their competences were created. The examples of good practice also formed the input basis of the multimodal online course and toolkit for teacher professional development, which is the second major output. The website, which houses the course, also facilitated community action by participants who could upload localisations and subject-specification adaptations and innovations. The final output was an accompanying manual for teacher educators who may wish to adapt the online course and toolkit for use in their teacher education programmes.