The story cycle 'De Winskhoed fan Fortunatus' by Waling Dijkstra (1821-1914) has been published in book form for the first time. Abe de Vries, guest researcher at the Fryske Akademy, brought the stories together in a somewhat modernized Frisian spelling and also provided the translation into Dutch and an introduction to the work. The book is the thirteenth edition in the literary Iduna Series (Iduna Rige) of the Fryske Akademy (Akademy number 1140) and is published by publisher DeRyp.
Abe de Vries presented his book in Spannum on June 2, 2023. No fewer than four Waling Dykstras received a first copy of 'De Winskhoed fan Fortunatus' from Abe de Vries: three actors who play Waling Dykstra in the open-air play 'Wat bisto leaflik' and one 'real' Waling Dijkstra, a relative of the writer Waling Dijkstra. You can find an extensive report on the DeRyp website . You can also read the speech that Abe de Vries gave at the book presentation.
About the Iduna Rige
The Redaksje Literêre Rigen publishes various Literary Series, for example the Magnus Series for Middle Frisian texts, the Holder Series for twentieth-century texts, the series Mensen en Boeken foar bio- and bibliographic writings and the Iduna Series for nineteenth-century texts. The Redaksje Literêre Rigen works closely with the Literary Network, which studies the literature and literary history of Friesland. This edition, edited and introduced by Abe de Vries, is the thirteenth book in the Iduna Rige.
The last three publications in the Iduna Series were:
- Jouwert Jouwertsma, ‘Lang haw ‘k net nei skoalle west’. Proaza en poëzij, besoarge en ynlaat troch Rients Aise Faber. Fryske Akademy-nûmer: 1127. Loenen a/d Vecht, Hispel, 2021.
- Waling Dykstra, Folksskriuwer. Proaza, besoarge en ynlaat troch Abe de Vries, Fryske Akademy-nûmer: 1121. Koudum, Utjouwerij De Ryp, 2020.
- Jensma, Goffe, Het Oera Linda-boek, facsimile, transcriptie, vertaling. Hilversum, 2006. Fryske Akademy-nûmer. 988. Uitgeverij Verloren 2006.
More titles in the Literêre Rigen can be found in this overview.